Well yesterday was a very sad day for me. In an effort to clear out the outfield, Doug Melvin and Company sent Brady Clark to the Dodgers in exchange for Elmer Dessens. I realize that something needed to be done in the outfield, but I would have thought Kevin Mench would have been more expendable than my Brady.
My Brady. That's what I've always called Brady Clark ever since I started watching the Brewers three years ago. I don't know why, I just always have. He was my very first favorite Brewer, and I've always been his biggest cheerleader.
Brady is such a hard worker, and a total class act. He was an undrafted free agent who worked his way up to the big leagues. He was usually the first person to arrive at the ballpark in the morning, and the last to leave at night. He was always working to improve his game, and make himself a better player.
I had the opportunity to meet Brady last summer, and he was just as nice as I'd hoped he would be. He was very friendly, and even took the time to pose for a photo with me.
I know we needed to clear out our outfield, but I think Doug dropped the ball on this one. Brady wasn't the outfielder who threatened to "pitch a fit" if he didn't get playing time, or who said he "needed to go" if he had to platoon. No, Brady just went to the park and did his job. Just like he always does.
Brady, you will be missed, at least by me.